02 April 2006

whew! sigh! gasp! i'm back!

hey dudes!

i have just a few minutes before they're going to kick me out of this place. just to let you all know, i've married a korean pop star. haha, april fools.
blogger is banned in china.
hence the lack of posts.
now in lao.
lao is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.
more later.
being kicked out.
but really, lao rocks.
please give me a shout out! i need some blog lovin!

3 replies:

At 2:21 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous says...

Eeeeerin! Did you find a sweet place to live? Do you know that I will come visit and we can watch Harold and Maude on LENA'S bed, eating ice cream? Was that really a question? It was more of a statement in question form.

At 1:25 AM GMT+9, Blogger Ã†milius says...

Ah, so that's why China doesn't show up on Geoloc. I remember thinking, "1,300,000,000 people, and not one ever logged on to my blog?"

At 5:02 AM GMT+9, Blogger Pikafan says...

Yay! :) Welcome back! :)

I've been a bit blog-absent lately too. Will catch up soon with stories.


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