29 November 2005

oh the difference one little phoneme makes

there is a sound that makes my skin crawl and sends shivers down my spine. it's the sound of little korean 6 year olds screaming "i'm done" 5 minutes into what should have been a 20 minute activity. and they say it over, and over, and over again. it's one of their favorite things to say, and in some cases, one of the only things they can/do say. and when one starts it, they slowly all start in.





however, there is a golden light amidst the droning horror of the "i'm done"s.
i give you andrea, with a demonstration.

andrea is done

16 replies:

At 9:46 AM GMT+9, Blogger Pikafan says...

Oh nooooooo! :)

That made me giggle. :)

Are there no place contrasts for nasals in codas in Korean - like what you find in Japanese?

Those poor little kidlets. Some day, they will realize what they've 'done'. :)

At 12:54 PM GMT+9, Blogger erin elizabeth king says...

nope, there are place contrasts. (or should i say, yes, there are place contrasts . . .)
they're just, well, dumb i guess.


At 1:11 PM GMT+9, Blogger Æmilius says...

Erin, that was so mean! We're talking about evil of Cartman-esque proportions here! :)

At 1:12 PM GMT+9, Blogger Æmilius says...

But hey, as long as you're not making them eat their parents...

At 2:31 PM GMT+9, Blogger erin elizabeth king says...

we'll emile i guess i'll just have to . . .
make! make things right! (clap clap)
and pass out fruit baskets and stuff.

At 1:20 AM GMT+9, Blogger Immortalis says...

{Finds it hilarious, laughs out loud}
{Comes to his senses}

O.K., That was mean!!

(But, I guess as long as they have the contrast it is O.K.)

On the other hand, imagine a situation in another language where a contrast is totally absent, let 's say between [s] and [sh]). I can think of some instances where this can be a problem....

(Oh, **it!)

At 11:37 AM GMT+9, Blogger Megs says...

Just a few ideas for those kiddies: duct tape, muzzles, staple gun.

You know what I'm talkin' about.

At 12:47 PM GMT+9, Blogger erin elizabeth king says...

megan! gasp!

At 9:08 PM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous says...

Oh goody. Just what we all need. Yet another expat blogging your way through Asia making astoundingly small-minded, ethnocentric observations. How exotic and cool.

I'm guessing you are attempting to be witty, sarcastic, irreverent, or otherwise clever. But really, you just come across as rude, ignorant, disrespectful and racist toward Koreans. Like me.

Your blog title, for starters. Do you get off on making fun of Koreans who "no speakie Engrish"? That's pretty funny. Ha ha. You're one clever bitch.

Go home and spare us from your snarky idiocy. Learn to use spell-check while you're at it.

At 6:01 AM GMT+9, Blogger Immortalis says...

O.k., maybe not my place to answer (apologies to Erin) but, as Francis Bacon once said:

"Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is."

At 9:05 AM GMT+9, Blogger erin elizabeth king says...

thanos, you answered better than i ever could.

riz ree, your comments are duly noted.
i'm sorry you feel that way.
and i'm going to leave them up for posterity.

At 5:42 PM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous says...

wow riz ree! you're racist towards koreans, too? that rocks!

At 10:41 PM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous says...

Ping! The Light bulb has just gone on.
Having another bad day were we, deerie? Don't worry. Not all that long left. Feck me, Lizzie, how the hell did you know I knew Erin?! This is starting to get somewhat out of control. I must get Simon to get you back on his leash.

At 10:42 AM GMT+9, Blogger erin elizabeth king says...

who are you people?

At 12:24 AM GMT+9, Blogger Andrea says...

Erin, I'm confused. I've been looking at your photos. Does the school have a uniform? In some pictures it looks that way and in others it doesn't.

At 1:06 PM GMT+9, Blogger erin elizabeth king says...

yeah we have uniforms so that we can be all preppy and elitist (no joke, that's why). but they're not mandatory and every day a random smattering of kids wear them to school.


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