16 July 2006

the final photos

i've just put the last of my trip photos on my photo site.

i'm done with that site now, i think.
any u.s.a. reclimatization month photos i'll just put on here.
or something.
and let me just say it is so so so very nice
to control my music once again.

christie's back now, and we're going to make a movie this week sometime. probably a foreign film staring wang hao-tze, my monkey stowaway. i imagine it will be shot at the korean restaurant in town and will make use of all the korean i can remember.
subtitles included.


4 replies:

At 10:09 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous says...

i'm glad you're back, erin.

when do you set up shop in ic?

At 10:39 AM GMT+9, Blogger Megs says...

yay! we're going to take so many dirty pictures with your new camera while you are in KC! I cannot wait!!

At 11:45 AM GMT+9, Blogger erin elizabeth king says...

i think i'll be back in iowa city in mid-august. but i expect to be in madison before returning to iowa . . . :)

At 3:13 PM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous says...

ah-ha! You guessed my secret question :) The question behind the question.


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