10 September 2005

very important poll

you want to morph the two words "entertainment" and "information."

do you go with:

a) infotainment


b) infortainment

(entermation and entemation are not options)

6 replies:

At 4:38 AM GMT+9, Blogger Mom says...

I vote infotainment...like infomercial

At 6:36 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous says...

option a. infotainment. there' some sort of weird linguistic paramenter that makes the "rt" awkward. or something.
i just figured out how to get to your blog! hurray!

At 6:38 AM GMT+9, Blogger Unknown says...


At 9:52 AM GMT+9, Blogger Pikafan says...

Infotainment seems better to me, too.

At 9:47 PM GMT+9, Blogger erin elizabeth king says...

okay, i wanted to know because there's a tv show here called 'infotainment' and i thought it should have been 'infortainment.' but i just suck i guess. :)

At 7:12 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous says...

Guess infortainment would be harder for koreans to say



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